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As part of Wild Soul Coaching I host free monthly group Insight calls and other workshops / events as well as offering gifts (like your eBook!). I share news of all of these through my newsletter - if you're not interested simply unsubscribe once you've grabbed your copy of the eBook.
Before you head off to your inbox, I'd like to invite you to take part in the Dreamworks Project.
The aim of the Dreamworks project is to powerfully connect 150 women to their dreams; something they would like to create with their life, whether for themselves, their community or for the wider world. I am offering free 15-30 minute Dreamworks interviews so that women can do just this. If you'd like to take part you can learn more and book your free interview on this webpage.
with love,
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”
~ Rumi
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