m: +44 7837557042 sarahlkent@fastmail.fm

Thank You!
Your place is confirmed on your 1:1 Essence Half Day Retreat.
Your half day Essence Retreat is an opportunity for you to do some deep, empowering and illuminating work. Not only will you be refining your vision of your dream, you will also be reconnecting to your innate wisdom and intuition, and learning how to use them to guide you every day. By the end of your retreat you will have a map of your journey to creating your dream, and be clear on what your first steps are.
Next steps:
You will have received an email confirming your Retreat Booking containing a unique Zoom link: Please check your spam folder if it did not land in your inbox. All emails about your Essence Retreat will be sent to the same email address which you used to book your retreat.
Please bookmark your Essence Retreat date and time in your calendar and save your Zoom link so you know where to access it on the day of your retreat. Please also whitelist my email sarahlkent@fastmail.fm since I will be sending you a welcome pack from that address. I also suggest that you bookmark this webpage so you may return to it later - although you will also find everything you need in your welcome pack.
How to prepare:
Please come to the Retreat with an object, small enough to hold in your hands, which represents the dream you wish to create. A lovely way to discover this object is to go for a walk outside in nature, with the request that an object that wishes to represent this dreaming seed reveals itself to you. If you do this, please do no harm, and respectfully return the object to its place in nature after the workshop.
You don't have to overthink this, and you may find the object chooses you. Allow yourself to be surprised! This object in many respects represents the seed of the dream you carry inside you, which you are committing to tending and growing.
During the retreat you will be writing and journalling as well as creating images through drawing or doodling. So please bring a notebook, as well as several separate sheets of paper, as well as whatever you love to write and draw with, including colours if you have them. You might also like to have some some sticky tape so you can join pieces of paper together, as well as some post it notes, or a means of cutting a large sheet of paper into 6 smaller pieces
I have created two eBooks to help you to prepare not only yourself but also your retreat space, so you can get the most from your Essence Retreat. You are welcome to download them right away!
~ Your Perfect Retreat eBook ~
Create the perfect space for your retreat, including example of schedules to help you plan the week ahead as well as the retreat day itself.
~ Essence Dream Journal eBook~
Journalling prompts designed to help you deepen your connection with your dream and what you want to create with your life.
Zoom Meeting Details
We will be meeting online using Zoom. If you've not used Zoom before you'll be glad to know it's simple, and you can learn about how to join a Zoom meeting here. Please take a look at this before your Essence Retreat if you're new to Zoom so you are able to join on time.
I would like to invite you to a 20 minute Dreamworks Project Interview ahead of your retreat. You can learn more about the project and book your interview on the project webpage here: https://www.sarahlkent.com/dreamworks-project This is also a great opportunity to practice using Zoom ahead of your Essence Retreat.
I am so looking forward to working with you!
If you have any questions, please contact me at sarahlkent@fastmail.fm
With love,

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”
~ Rumi